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Latest revision as of 13:01, 8 September 2010

Policy creation and maintenance

Policy approved by the Board on 12 September 2005.


Policy is the means by which the Board governs. Every policy must have one of the following purposes:

  1. Delegation of an end (such as a program, or project) that furthers the Mission, e.g.:
    • Policy on publications
    • Policy on conferences
    • Policy on a member benefit
  2. Ensuring organizational governance and prudence, e.g.:
    • Finance policy
    • Reimbursement policy
    • Bylaws
  3. Specifying some aspect of the Board relationship with members, staff, or the public
    • Privacy policy
    • Communications policy
    • Sexual harassment or nondiscrimination policies
  4. Specifying internal policies for how the Board works
    • Committees policy
    • Reimbursement policy

Some policies will straddle #2-4 above (e.g., reimbursement policy). Delegation policies, however, should be self-contained, in order to promote clarity and honesty in delegation.


The Association specifies how it works via policies, processes and procedures.

Documents that state the will of the Board (goals or ends) and mechanisms for handling points of concern, risk, or anxiety (limitations).
Structures that ensure oversight, preservation of rights, and stability. Processes are included in policy, largely as a manifestation of limitations.
Implementations of the policy and process. Procedures are not included in policy.

For instance, a policy on logoed apparel might state that apparel should be comfortable and attractive to promote the Association's visibility (policy), and that samples should be procured before production to ensure this (process). But the policy should not specify the type of fabric, how samples are procured, who gets the sample, and so on (procedure).


Policies should be minimal — they should not overspecify. Policies should be adaptable to changing conditions without requiring constant amendment.

Implementations should not be specified in policy. Policies should be "Board-level" documents. Purpose and rationale should be specified, however.

Board relationship and internal policies, for example the policy on Board votes via email, are an exception. These should be less minimal because the "implementors" are, by definition, the Board itself.


Minimalism should not lead to a lack of completeness. The Board should write policy such that it would be happy with any reasonable implementation that adheres to the policy's wording. In particular, the Board should take care to include limitations precluding results the Board would find unacceptable.

Policy ownership

The Board should be invested in policy. The Board should craft policy to document the will of the Board, without engaging in rubber-stamping, word-smithing or criticizing. In practice, one or more individuals may be assigned to write a policy proposal. But the approved policy belongs to the Board, not the authors of any particular proposal.

In order to keep policy vested in the Board, authors of proposed policies shall call out decision points, be ready to explain the ramifications of such choices, and be ready with alternate language.

Delegation policies

The Board is not the implementing body of the Association's goals; that role falls to staff and volunteers. The Board expresses its will for programs, projects and other ends via delegation policies.

Honest delegation

In drafting delegation policies, the Board should strive to delegate honestly.

Delegation policies should pass the Plain English Test: An uninterested third party should be able to read the text of a policy, look at the results, and be able to judge whether the results meet the requirements of the policy.

Policy is the "in-band" communication mechanism from Board to implementors. "Out-of-band" communication (statements by liaisons, sense-of-the-Board communiqués, etc.) are strictly advisory or interpretational; if substantive course-corrections are required, the policy should be amended.


If the result of a delegation is unsatisfactory, but the results meet the "Plain English Test", the policy should be amended to encapsulate the Board's new understanding. Simply telling implementors to try again is unacceptable.

When amendments to delegation policies are made, they should ideally be clarifications where the policy could be read as ambiguous. Otherwise the Board can (rightly) be accused of changing the rules after the fact. If the Board learns, after delegation, that it requested the wrong thing, it should own up to its error and amend the policy.

Implementors being delegated to must be made aware of this process before implementation begins. If a delegation policy is to be amended after implementation has begun, the implementors should ideally be involved in the process; but they must be made aware that the process is not a negotiation, and the Board holds final authority.


Policies should be living documents; moribund or irrelevant policies should be discarded or revitalized.

If a policy cannot be exactly followed by the "Plain English Test", the policy should be fixed. Saying that things have changed, or that the policy must be put into context, is unacceptable.

If programs end or circumstances change, the policies should be retired. A retired policy is effectively repealed, but is moved aside and kept for historical record as a policy that worked, separate from repealed policies that were rejected because they didn't work.

Banking Resolution

Policy approved by the Board on 14 April 2005.

Not For Profit Corporate Banking Resolution (on file)


This website is not affiliated with SAGE or the USENIX Association. Some uses of the term "SAGE" below may be incorrect, and will be fixed shortly.

Review of signatory power

Policy approved by the Board on 14 April 2005.

That checks drawn on the SAGE account shall require one (1) signature from among the trustees of the account. The Secretary/Treasurer and President shall review the bank statement on a monthly basis and report to the board on the review.

Corporate seal

Policy approved by the Board on 14 April 2005.

Policy amended on 21 November 2005.

That LOPSA shall use signature in lieu of corporate seal.


This website is not affiliated with SAGE or the USENIX Association. The use of the term "SAGE" below is historical, and refers either to the SAGE subgroup of USENIX, or to a precursor of the organization now called LOPSA.

Foundation Election Arrangements

Policy approved by the Board via electronic mail on 16 June 2005:

Policy amended on 27 June 2005:

That the Assocation allow all members of the "SAGE" class of USENIX membership that are in good standing as of 2005-06-20 12pm PDT to cast votes in the June 2005 Election for Directors of the Association; and that the Directors so elected shall be granted full member status of the Association, and will be Directors of the Association, commencing at the first meeting of the new term in July (per the Rules), with expiry coincident to the expiry of the current term of their USENIX membership.


Policy approved by the Board on 31 July 2005.

Policy amended on 8 August 2005.

Policy amended on 21 November 2005.

Policy amended on 11 December 2006.

Policy amended on 10 October 2017.

The report or recommendation of any Committee shall not be binding upon the Board.

The Board shall establish the following committees:

Detail pages


Board level committees

Name Chair Description Disposition Contains subcommittee(s)
Leadership Scott Murphy (Aleksey Tsalolikhin, Liaison) Develop leadership skills. Board induction. Volunteer cultivation. Election slates. Standing (per Bylaws) None
Communications and Marketing Aleksey Tsalolikhin Oversight of all communications to members and external parties. Drafting of communications policy. Standing None.
Membership Development Steve VanDevender Investigate growing the membership. Develop Membership classes and policy. Recommend whether standing committee is needed. Ad-hoc None.
Finance Committee Brian Globerman (also includes George Beech and Scott Suehle) Financial oversight Standing None.

Program committees

Name Chair Liaison Description Disposition Subcommittee(s)
Recognition Thomas Uphill Thomas Uphill Annual Contribution to the Profession award; Yerkes award, Volunteer award. Annual Maybe (one for each award?)
Conference Planning Drew Adams Drew Adams Plan our robust ubiquitous presence at LISA. Posters, BOFs, everything. In future, will handle all conferences. Standing One for each conference
Locals Drew Adams Drew Adams Locals program. Standing None.
Technical Services Danielle White Danielle White Deliver and manage online services and other technology. Standing Email/Website transition team
Education, Training and Mentorship Andy Cowell Andy Cowell Mentorship program, Educators Program for training, working with universities, and content. Standing None.

Leadership Committee

Policy approved by the Board on 4 August 2005.

Policy amended on 8 August 2005.

The Leadership Committee has two roles. Its recurring tactical role is to serve as the Nominating Committee in election years. Its ongoing strategic role is to promote the development of new talent, by giving them a "career path" through the ranks of the organization. The Nominating Committee role is specified in the Bylaws and is incorporated by reference.

The leadership development role is the strategic counterpart to nominating. In order to have a suitable pool of candidates for committees and offices, the Leadership Committee will identify suitable individuals as early as possible, and groom them to take on ever-increasing leadership positions. Where possible, the Committee will develop informal "career paths" within the Organization. These paths should begin with lower-level volunteer positions, include committee memberships and then Chair positions, eventually leading to Board membership for qualified individuals. This is "professional development for volunteers", and should include enhancing their leadership skills by providing suitable training, encouragement and mentoring.

The Committee will consist of between four and seven members (including the Chair), at the total discretion of the Chair. The Board will appoint the Chair. The Chair will select and have final approval of all other members; the Board explicitly has no role in selecting the other members of this Committee.

Board electronic mail lists

Policy approved by the Board on 8 August 2005.

Policy amended on 5 August 2007.

The Secretary-Treasurer shall provide for the maintenance of electronic mail lists from time to time as directed by the President or the Board. This policy shall apply only to lists whose primary purpose is Board-level communication.

Standing lists

At a minimum, the following lists shall be maintained:

Board Working List

The Board Working List shall be the ordinary venue for electronic communication amongst the Board. Its address shall be board@, lopsa-board@, or similar.

Subscription to this list shall consist of:

  • the currently seated Directors of the Association;
  • the Executive Director of the Association;
  • Directors-elect who will take office at the next Annual Directors' Meeting; and
  • such other volunteers or staff as are directed by the President or the Board.

All subscribers shall be allowed to post messages to the list. The Secretary-Treasurer shall ensure that prudent techniques are employed with regard to attempted postings of non-subscribers, in order to reduce spam and other off-topic traffic while ensuring members, staff, and volunteers have a communication path with the Board.

The Secretary-Treasurer shall ensure that private archives of the list be maintained for a period of at least 2 years. All subscribers shall have access to the archives.

Board Private List

The Board Private List shall be the venue for electronic communication of a sensitive nature such as would take place under executive session. Its address shall be board-directors@, board-private@, or similar.

Subscription to this list shall consist only of the currently seated Directors of the Association.

All Directors shall be allowed to post messages to the list. The Secretary-Treasurer shall ensure that prudent techniques are employed with regard to attempted postings of non-subscribers, in order to reduce spam and other off-topic traffic while ensuring the Board can include others in sensitive discussions when necessary.

No archives of the list shall be maintained.

Ad-hoc lists

The Board may from time to time establish or dissolve other electronic mail lists. Unless otherwise stated by resolution, such lists shall be subject to the same terms of this Policy as the Board Working List.

Confidentiality and privacy

Messages to the Board Working List and Board Private List are considered board working papers that are confidential in nature. Subscribers shall not forward or otherwise disseminate any other subscriber's messages, in whole or in part, to any non-subscriber, without the permission of the Board.

Subscribers shall not forward or otherwise disseminate their own messages, in whole or in part, to any non-subscriber without permission of the Board unless:

  • the words within are entirely their own or have already been disseminated in accordance with this Policy;
  • the message includes no private, sensitive, or confidential information; and
  • recipient(s) are made aware that the message does not represent Board or Association policy or opinion.

Subscribers must limit discussion to public matters when recipients not bound by this Policy are present on a message's recipients list.

No subscriber shall forward a message from elsewhere to a Board mail list without the permission of the original author, with the following exceptions:

  1. A message whose intent is to inform the Board sent from a non-subscriber to a subscriber may be forwarded to the appropriate list.
  2. Messages sent to mail lists with open subscription or open access to archives may be forwarded to the appropriate list.

Notification of subscription changes

The Secretary-Treasurer shall ensure that notification of every change to the subscription list is given, via a message to the list, prior to the change.

Responsibility of subscribers

Subscribers have a responsibility to keep up with traffic on Board mailing lists to which they are subscribed, and to keep other subscribers informed of issues concerning them. In particular, subscribers must:

  1. Ensure that their subscriptions are kept up to date with a valid email address;
  2. Ensure that their subscription address is kept in good working order;
  3. Read such messages as are posted to the Board mailing lists in a timely manner;
  4. Respond to messages as appropriate; and
  5. Have a bias for responding to the entire recipients list (not removing recipients, particularly the mailing list, except when necessary).

Because the Board mailing lists are the primary mechanism of inter-Board communication between meetings, and may be used for urgent communiqués, Directors must notify the Board Working List or the Secretary-Treasurer if they know they will be unable to read Board mailing lists for a period of more than 72 hours.

Identification of Lists

All Board mailing lists will use a consistant identification method or methods so that list messages can be easily identified by recipients and automatically identified by software if so desired. Examples include list names in Subject: lines or List-Id: headers. Mechanisms relying on the To: or Cc: line are not acceptable.

Board votes via email

Policy approved by the Board on 8 August 2005.

Policy amended on 10 October 2005.

The Board may from time to time conduct business via electronic mail. This business may include motions.

This Policy is intended to provide for a well-defined process for conducting voting on such motions, while preserving the parliamentary rights of Directors.


Unless other Rules state otherwise, any ordinary Board business can be conducted via electronic mail. However, Directors should prefer Board Meetings to propose motions that may require discussion.

Motions for Bylaws amendments or ratifications are not permitted via electronic mail.


The Board Working List or Board Private List (as described in the policy on Board electronic mail lists) shall be used for all electronic mail motions and votes.

Motion message

Any Director may make a motion via email by posting a message to the appropriate list with the text "MOTION:" at the beginning of the subject header; this text shall be known as a subject keyword. The remainder of the subject header should describe the motion being proposed. The text of the message must clearly delineate the text of the motion from any discussion, for instance by the words "I move that". This message shall be known as the motion message.

Seconding message

Any other Director may post a response to the motion message clearly stating an intention to second the motion. The subject header should replace "MOTION:" with the subject keyword "SECOND:". This message shall be known as the seconding message.

A seconding message must be posted within 7 days of a motion message or the motion shall be considered void. Such a void motion shall not be minuted.

Withdrawal; rewording

Prior to voting, the original mover may withdraw the motion or reword it by posting a response to the original motion message. In the case of a rewording, the new message shall become the motion message. A seconder must clearly state his or her intention to second the new motion message; a second of the original wording is out of order.

The keyword on the subject line should be set to "WITHDRAWN" or "AMENDED" as appropriate.


After the seconding motion, voting shall commence. Directors may cast a vote by posting a response to the motion message or seconding message, replacing the subject keyword with "VOTE:" and stating the vote as "aye" or "nay" in the body of the message. The text of the motion being voted on must be included in the message for the vote to be valid.

It is not necessary for the mover and seconder to vote explicitly; they shall each be considered to have cast an aye vote unless they state otherwise.

Directors may change their vote before the close of voting by casting another vote in the same manner; in order to avoid ambiguity, the text of the message should clearly state that the Director intends to change his or her vote.


A Director may abstain from voting, while still being counted for quorum, by posting a response to the motion message or seconding message, replacing the subject keyword with "ABSTAIN:". This message shall be known as an abstention message.


Directors may discuss the motion at any time by replacing any subject keywords with "COMMENT:".

Close of voting

Voting shall close once the motion has been adopted or fails.

The motion shall be considered adopted when:

  • A quorum of the Board, excluding abstentions, has voted aye; or
  • When all of the following conditions obtain:
    1. 7 days have passed since the seconding message;
    2. A quorum of the Board has posted a vote or abstention; and
    3. A majority of the votes cast are aye.

The motion shall be considered failed when:

  • A quorum of the Board has voted nay; or
  • 7 days have passed since the seconding message, and the motion has not been adopted.

Concurrent consideration

The Board may consider more than one motion via email concurrently. A Director may post a new motion message while another vote is in progress. If two motions are in conflict, the one adopted later shall supercede the one adopted earlier.


Because of the complexities that would arise, amendment of a motion made via email is out of order. The effect of amendment can be obtained by posting a new motion message.

Rule of order

The chair (the President, unless he or she is absent or designates another chair) shall have the right to rule posts in conjunction with an email vote out of order if they violate this Policy or other Rules, subject to Board consent.

Intervening meetings

At the chair's discretion, any motions currently being considered via email at the time of a Board Meeting (at which a quorum is present) may be introduced on the Meeting's agenda. The motion shall be considered de novo as a regular item of business and shall be subject to the Rules applying to any other motion in a Meeting; this consideration shall supercede and terminate the email consideration. No votes cast via email shall be counted.


Motions voted via email shall be recorded in the Minutes of the next regular Board meeting. The following information shall be included:

  1. The words "Motion submitted via electronic mail on", plus the date of the motion message;
  2. The text of the motion;
  3. The words "Motion adopted on" or "Motion failed on", plus the date of the close of voting; and
  4. The names of any Directors posting an abstention message.


Policy approved by the Board on 8 August 2005.

Policy amended on 7 September 2005. Policy amended on 6 February 2006.

Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines and restrictions where necessary to keep all communications between LOPSA and the outside world 1) authorized, 2) appropriate, 3) recognizable, and 4) consistent. When we communicate as a Board or as an organization to any group of people, we must first and foremost represent the membership and the Board of LOPSA in a responsible manner. We must also be responsive to the needs and requests of our members, and the public at large where appropriate.

Policy Statement


Communications should provide the membership with timely, accurate, clear, objective and complete information about LOPSA policies, programs, services and initiatives. The Board has a duty to explain its policies and decisions, and to inform the membership of its priorities. Communications therefore should be complete, clear and swiftly follow any changes or major initiatives.

Programs should plan for communication from the beginning. LOPSA programs should address communication needs in the development stage of policies and programs. Policies and programs should never surprise the membership or happen by accident. LOPSA should proudly promote each and every service and program it provides. Programs that the membership is ignorant of are bound to fail. The Board must further ensure that changes in policy that significantly affect the rights and privileges of membership are both proposed to the membership for comment well in advance of a vote, and clearly and widely communicated if they are adopted. The Communication Committee is there to assist programs in planning for communication needs.


Collective communications must be authorized. No communication that claims to represent the policy, positions, or other stance of either the Board or LOPSA as a whole shall be made public until and unless it is approved by the Board. No communication that claims to represent the policy, positions, or other stance of a committee or subcommittee of LOPSA shall be made public until and unless they are approved by that committee. Committees must be authorized by the Board to contact the membership or general public before doing so, and they must also abide by the Board-defined limits for their communications. All official communications shall go through official channels maintained by the Board, either by a membership email list, a list of all members generated from the membership database, or by whatever public relations channels are maintained by the Board.

Individual officials of LOPSA are encouraged to communicate directly with the membership. Openness in governance helps members fairly judge our performance, and helps enable membership participation. To build an open organization, all officials (staff, committee members, and above all the Board) should take a role in communicating with the membership. At the same time, officials must respect the policies and intent of the LOPSA Board, as well as confidential information. Officials serve LOPSA best by communicating openly and frequently about programs they are charged with, while treating sensitive information with the discretion it requires.

Officials who communicate as individuals to the membership should maintain consistency in look and feel with other LOPSA communications, including letterhead and logos following the LOPSA Branding Guide in appropriate media. Communications from individuals must be signed by that individual and clearly indicate through tone, person, and/or disclaimer that they are the personal words and beliefs of the individual, not the Board or LOPSA. Officials of LOPSA should be given lopsa.org email addresses, and should use them in individual communication wherever possible to promote the visibility of LOPSA.

Any Board member or other (non-staff) official should be very careful and respectful about expressing public dissent with an action of the Board. Board members have a right to have their dissent in votes explicity recorded in the minutes, which are ordinarily made LOPSA to the membership. However, current officials of LOPSA may not attempt to undermine the actions or intent of LOPSA, the LOPSA Board, or its committees in the public expression of these rights. Individual officials expressing dissent within these guidelines should nonetheless not use their lopsa.org email addresses, or channels of communication not open to general members, but should strive to speak as regular members. All officials of LOPSA have the right of resignation if they cannot support the activities or decisions of the Board, and are freed of the duty of obedience, but not the requirements of confidentiality, upon their resignation.

Under no circumstances should staff express dissent or a message inconsistent with the Board's.

Individual officials of LOPSA are not to communicate directly with the general public or media unless authorized. As opposed to membership, relations with the public, especially the press, are sensitive. Public communications are open to misinterpretation and laden with pitfalls. An unusual level of care and restraint is required before engaging the general public and the media, as even officials claiming to speak only for themselves are nevertheless taken to be the voice of LOPSA. Coaching and planning is often required before engaging with the general public or the media. Therefore, officials of LOPSA must not engage the public or the media about LOPSA issues unless authorized by the Board.

LOPSA officials and members who are addressing sysadmin issues not directly related to LOPSA, including authoring books or being asked to speak in their own right about issues related to systems administration, are encouraged to include their affiliation with LOPSA in their byline, biography, or attribution to promote LOPSA visibility. Affiliates must be clear they are not speaking for LOPSA if they include such an affiliation, and may not list LOPSA as their primary affiliation. For example: Mary Jones, a system administrator at Example.com and member of the LOPSA Board of Directors is acceptable, but LOPSA Board member Mary Jones is not.

The President, the Communications Committee chair or other spokesperson designated by the Board, and the Executive Director are by default authorized by the Board to engage with the general public and membership on LOPSA issues on behalf of LOPSA, but must at all times communicate to the public in line with the established wishes and policy expressions of the Board. They must also report on any such communications back to the full Board at the next Board meeting after the fact.

All parts of LOPSA should work together to give a coherent message and picture of the organization. Coordinated communication is essential; otherwise we confuse our membership and ourselves. Any LOPSA official making individual communications should consult first with the current messages of LOPSA, maintained by the Communications Committee and approved by the Board, and strive to incorporate those messages into their communication where possible and appropriate.


Official communications should be preserved, and open to all. Any communication that is sent to the membership or made available for general release must in all cases be preserved in an easily accessible portion of the website, once the website is under the direct control of LOPSA. Communications should also be sent to the widest reach of membership to whom they apply; for instance, an email intended for all members should not only be sent to discuss@lopsa.org, as not all members are on that list.

LOPSA defaults to transparency. Transparency is essential to good governance. Therefore, by default, any action or policy of LOPSA is public at the moment it is authorized by the Board, and repeatable by anyone to any member of LOPSA. If the Board requires actions at meetings or other information to be private and confidential, it must specify that when the action is taken. By default, any action taken in executive session is private.

Communications should be openly two-way. LOPSA does not engage solely in top-down communication with its membership or the general public. All public communications should include clear mention of a method the readership can use to contact the Board or the committee releasing the communication. Non-personal email addresses used to send out official communications should be deliverable and also should be monitored by someone so any replies from members can be forwarded on to the Board or committee.

The Board should never be, or seem, inaccessible and aloof to the membership. LOPSA's board and committees should frequently call attention to Board/membership communication. Such attention will help demonstrate to non-communicative members that the Board is open and responsive. To encourage that, inquiries sent to LOPSA official channels should be responded to promptly, and where possible, completely.


Communications should be clear and engaging. Communications must use plain language, be clearly formatted and expressed, and be accessible to all our members. Communications should also engage the reader; official communications need not be overly formal and lacking in interest, but should engage the reader and encourage further reading.

Official communications should follow the Branding Guide. The LOPSA Branding Guide shall be made available to all staff, directors, and other participants in LOPSA who are authorized to make communications to the membership or general public. Its guidelines must be followed in print and web media, and where possible should also be followed in text email. Text emails at the very least must prominently include the LOPSA name and byline, and make clear that they are official communications of LOPSA.

Official communications should be consistent. Any periodic form of communication, such as the monthly memo to members or any other type of regular memo, should stay consisitent in format and structure, with infrequent redesigns or alterations. Individual entries in a series of related email communications should all be sent from the same, easily identified, and non-personal email address, preferably at lopsa.org.

Minutes dissemination

Policy approved by the Board on 22 August 2005.

Purpose and scope

To promote organizational transparency and Board-Member communications, the minutes of Board and certain other meetings shall be made available for public examination in a timely manner, while protecting sensitive and confidential information as necessary.

This Policy shall pertain to the meeting minutes of a) the Board of Directors; and b) other special meetings, hearings, committees, subcommittees, teams, working groups, and commissions as the Board directs. The term body shall be used below to refer to any such group.

Policy statement

Draft minutes shall be circulated to the members of a body as soon as possible after a meeting's adjournment. Members of a body shall have at least five days to review draft minutes before they are approved. Minutes approval shall be on the agenda of the earliest possible meeting at least five days after draft minutes have been circulated. Members of a body shall have the opportunity to amend draft minutes, subject to the body's approval, before the draft minutes are approved.


The default is for minutes to be disseminated in unredacted form. Redactions shall not be considered until draft minutes are approved.

Redactions may be used:

  1. To protect information that has business sensitivity (e.g., negotiating positions).
  2. When a third party's name is used without the third party's knowledge (e.g., discussion of candidates for a volunteer position or award).
  3. To protect the subject of personnel discussions.

Redactions shall not be used to prevent embarassment on the part of the body or its members or to obscure error.

Once draft minutes are approved, any member of a body may place approved minutes on hold for redaction during the same meeting. The hold shall be minuted with the member's name. Once a hold has been placed on approved minutes, members of a body shall have at least five days to suggest redactions.

Redactions are not a matter of personal privilege; redactions must be approved by the entire body. Approval of redactions shall be on the agenda of the earliest possible meeting at least five days after the hold was placed.

In the case of minutes redacted by bodies other than the Board of Directors, the Board shall be provided with unredacted minutes. The Board reserves the right to modify redactions of other bodies.

Prior redactions should be restored by the Board at a later date if the subject of the redaction is no longer sensitive.


Minutes shall be considered public minutes immediately following the meeting at which the draft is approved, provided no hold for redactions was placed. Redacted minutes shall be considered public minutes immediately following the meeting at which redactions are approved.

Public minutes shall be placed on the World Wide Web in a publicly-accessible form on a server controlled by the Association within 30 days of approval.

The location of public minutes shall remain stable over time and shall be publicized to the Association's membership at least once a year and any time the location changes. Public minutes shall not be blocked from indexing by search engines.


This website is not affiliated with SAGE or the USENIX Association. Some uses of the term "SAGE" below may be incorrect, and will be fixed shortly.

Code of Ethics review committee

Policy approved by the Board on 19 September 2005.

The SAGE Code of Ethics was adopted in 2003. it is intended that the Code of Ethics should be broad enough to not need frequent revision, but strong enough to serve the Profession, individual Practitioners and system administration organizations.

To take into account any deficiencies found in the Code after adoption, and to adapt to changing circumstances, a two-year review was mandated at the time of adoption, with the expectation that future reviews every four years would be appropriate. It is not intended that this review entail a major rewriting of the Code of Ethics. If the review comittee feels that a major rewrite is necessary, it should provide an explanation in the submitted recomendations, but not undertake that task.

The Code of Ethics Review Comittee is charged with organizing the review of the SAGE Code of Ethics:

  • Appropriate attention should be paid to publicity, both for the sake of an informed review involving our members, and as an opportunity for publicity and raising awareness in the broader sysadmin community and perhaps even further (managers, etc). Publicity should be coordinated with the SAGE Communications Committee.
  • Discussion with the community should include a public event at LISA 2005 and online discussions, using SAGE online resources and others as deemed appropriate by the committee
  • The Committee is not charged with redrafting the Code in its entirety. If the Committee believes this necessary, it should make a recommendation to the Board, but should not proceed.
  • A report and recommendations (separate from the report) should be submitted to the Board no later than Feb 1, 2006:
    • The report should document review activities, level of participation, and any other information about the review process as determined to be appropriate by the review committee
    • The Recommendations should address:
      • any proposed changes in the text of the Code of Ethics
      • future review schedule (tenatively set for 4-year cycle after the initial 2-year review)
      • any other recommendations from the review committee
  • The budget for this activity is up to $100. If additional funds are needed, the Committee must seek approval from the Board in advance.

This website is not affiliated with SAGE or the USENIX Association. The use of the term "SAGE" below is historical, and refers either to the SAGE subgroup of USENIX, or to a precursor of the organization now called LOPSA.

Awards Committee charge

Policy approved by the Board on 3 October 2005.

  1. Determine a recipient for SAGE Outstanding Achievement Award. Past award winners can be found at http://sage.org/execcomm/awards.mm
    1. Ineligible recipients
      1. current Usenix or SAGE board members
      2. past recipients
    2. Write a brief description of the achievements of the individual(s) that merit the award that will be published on the website and used at presentation time. (See URL above for examples)
      1. multiple recipients are not unprecedented where they share a common achievement
      2. no recipient is also not unprecedented (e.g. 2002)
      3. restated: minimum number of recipients is 0.
  2. Determine a recipient for the SAGE Chuck Yerkes memorial award that recognizes an individual for "outstanding individual contributions on member forums".

Here are the Terms Of Reference for the Yerkes Award for 2004 and 2005:

1. That, commencing with 2004, SAGE create an annual award to
   recognise members who contribute to the community through their
   postings to the sage-members list and related forums.

2. This award is to be known as the "Chuck Yerkes Award for
   outstanding individual contribution on member forums".

3. Receipients will be determined by a panel of members (the "awards
   committee"), appointed by the Board of Directors.

4. The awards committee will be issued with the following mandate:
    a. Candidates must be members of SAGE.
    b. Candidates are to be evaluated on the following criteria:
        - frequency (how many times they have contributed throughout
          the course of the year);
        - helpfulness (the degree to which their posts were
          instructive in moving towards a viable solution);
        - educational value (the degree to which the candidate
          provided insight into their reasoning, such that both the
          original poster and also the greater membership might learn
          from the thread);
        - consistency; and
        - profesionalism (this includes such attributes as the lack of
          inflammatory material).
    c. The award is not open to current members of the Board of

5. The award will be presented at the major SAGE conference each year.
   [Presently LISA]

Deadline for both awards is 10/24/05 at which time they will be submitted to the SAGE board for final approval and confirmation. The nominees for the awards shall be given to the Award committee chair (Doug Hughes) who will present them to the SAGE board.

Termination of membership

Policy approved by the Board on 17 October 2005.

Membership in the Assocation will be terminated under any of the following circumstances. Termination of membership shall not entitle the Member to a refund of any monies paid by the Member to the Association (in whole or pro rata).

  • Resignation. A Member may voluntarily withdraw membership by providing written notification to the Association.
  • Failure to meet obligations of membership. Should a Member fail to meet their obligations as set out in the Rules (including the payment of dues) then their membership shall be terminated.
  • Death. A membership shall be automatically terminated upon death of the member (or insolvency event in the case of an organizational member).
  • Termination by the Board for cause. A Member may lose their membership at the discretion of the Board, as set forth in Policies.

Membership classes

Policy approved by the Board on 7 November 2005.

Policy amended on 14 November 2005.

Policy amended on 20 October 2009.

The Association shall have the following classes of membership:

Class Voting Dues Renewal period Benefits Notes
Individual Member Yes $40/year until May 2006; $50/year after One year All benefits as defined by the board, specifically including:
  • Right to vote in all LOPSA elections
  • Access to members-only LOPSA web content
  • Access to members-only LOPSA web archives
  • Access to participate in members-only LOPSA mailing lists
  • Opportunity to be involved in members-only project- or topic-specific groups
  • Member discounts on selected LOPSA merchandise and publications
  • Other benefits as they are developed
Charter Member Yes $50 N/A All benefits of Individual Membership, plus:
  • The lifetime right, for as long as membership is maintained in good standing, to refer to oneself as a "Charter Member"
  • A 3- or 4-digit member number (offered on an as-available basis)
  • Recognition by name as a Founding Member on the LOPSA website (may be declined at member request)
  • Other such benefits as defined by the Board
Admission to this membership class shall be limited to those joining prior to 1 May 2006. Renewals of Founding Members shall be as Individual Members. STG Transitional Membership or Individual Membership dues shall not be applied, in whole or in part, to Founding Membership dues.
Founding Member Yes Same as Individual Member N/A All benefits of Charter Membership, plus:
  • The lifetime right, for as long as membership is maintained in good standing, to refer to oneself as a "Founding Member"
  • A 1- or 2-digit member number
  • Recognition by name as a Founder on the LOPSA website (may be declined at member request)
  • Other such benefits as defined by the Board
Admission to this membership class shall be by invitation of the Board. Renewals of Founders shall be as Individual Members. STG Transitional Membership dues shall not be applied, in whole or in part, to Founder dues. Individual or Founding Member dues may be applied to Founder dues on an annualized pro-rata basis.
Student Member Yes $0/year One year All benefits of Individual Membership, plus such other benefits as defined by the Board Admission or renewal of this membership class shall require proof of full-time primary, secondary, or post-secondary student status.
Lifetime Member Yes $1,000 20 years All benefits of Individual Member or that member's current class, whichever is greater. Lifetime Members will be exempt from Yearly Renewal Requirements. The Dues calculation is 20 * the non discounted rate for Individual Membership at the time the membership is purchased.
Honorary Member No $0 N/A As defined by the Board Admission to this membership class shall be by invitation of the Board.
Complimentary Member Yes $0 One Year All benefits of Individual Membership except the right to to be a member of the Leadership Committee or the Board of Directors. Admission to this membership class is for people who are not able to afford membership due to medical, financial, or other hardship. A person must submit a request for a complimentary membership.
Trial Member No TBD One month As defined by the Board. Memberships in this class shall be automatically renewed unless cancelled or upgraded to another class of membership, as described in the policy on Trial memberships.

Voting status

Voting status as defined for each membership class above shall entitle a member of a voting class to:

  1. Vote in elections, referenda, and other such ballots as may be offered to the Membership;
  2. Stand for election for Association office, subject to the Rules; and
  3. Participate in petition actions as defined in the Rules.

Nondisclosure agreements

Policy approved by the Board on 9 January 2006.

Purpose and scope

LOPSA must occasionally deal with proprietary, confidential, and business-sensitive information in order to further its mission. From time to time, LOPSA may need to share such information with volunteers or third parties. To ensure organizational security and member privacy in such cases, LOPSA shall make use of a nondisclosure agreement.

This policy shall pertain to all cases when LOPSA or its agents extend a nondisclosure agreement to another party. This policy does not pertain to cases in which LOPSA may enter into a nondisclosure agreement extended by another party.

Standard form

LOPSA shall adopt a standard form of nondisclosure agreement (the NDA) and shall make it available to Directors, staff, and others authorized to obtain an NDA. Deviations from the standard form shall not be allowed without Board approval, except to limit the scope of information to be disclosed.


Any Director, the Executive Director, or other person authorized by the Board to obtain NDA's (agent for the purpose of this policy), may, in furtherance of his or her duties, obtain an NDA from a third party prior to disclosing sensitive information. In such circumstances, the NDA shall be filed with the LOPSA office, and the agent shall inform the Board about the agreement and the intended use of the agreement.


All NDA's obtained shall be filed with the LOPSA office. A list of NDA's obtained shall be maintained by the Executive Director, and that list shall be made available to all officers on request. Any agent may inquire as to whether the office has received an NDA the agent has obtained, or whether someone to whom the agent wishes to extend an NDA has one already on file.

Obligatory nondisclosure

Individuals shall be required to agree to the NDA before beginning work for LOPSA in the following capacities:

  • Members of the Board of Directors;
  • The Executive Director and other board-level staff;
  • Any agent authorized by the Board to extend NDA's to others; and
  • Volunteer board-level staff.

Individuals, including staff, contractors, and volunteers, shall be required to agree to the NDA prior to gaining access to or receiving sensitive information, including:

  • The member roster or other non-public information LOPSA may maintain about members;
  • Unpublished financial records held by the organization;
  • Business-sensitive information about negotiations not yet publicly announced;
  • Information relating to organizational elections in progress, such as running vote counts or elections software;
  • Unannounced details of forthcoming products, services, marketing campaigns, or communications;
  • Any information which the Board or any Board member has marked as sensitive or only for dissemination under NDA;
  • Any information governed by any privacy policy the Board may choose to adopt; and
  • Superuser or administrative access to computers, databases, or software systems which enable access to any of the above.

Disclosure to professionals

The President, Executive Director, or Board may share sensitive information with a professional hired or under contract to the organization who is bound to confidentiality by law or by the ethics of his or her profession (for example, lawyers, accountants, or auditors). In such cases, agreement to the NDA may be waived, but such waiver shall be communicated to the Board and to anyone else subject to the NDA who may work with such a professional. Such waiver shall only be used for those in a professional relationship with LOPSA; in no case shall a volunteer, whatever his or her capacity or profession, be given sensitive information without agreeing to the NDA.


Policy approved by the Board on 10 July 2006. Policy amended on 2 July 2007.

Our privacy statement

The following statement discloses The League of Professional System Administrator's information gathering and dissemination practices.

The League maintains member databases that contain mailing, billing, and member profile information, as well as a record of each member's product purchases and registrations for conferences. The information in these databases is used by authorized LOPSA staff members to process orders; mail invoices, member benefits, renewal notices, and announcements; and respond to member inquiries. Member records are maintained as long as an individual is a LOPSA member and for five years following a membership lapse. Purchases and credit card transactions are retained for as long as appropriate to meet contractual, tax, or auditing needs.

LOPSA logs all accesses to our Web site. Summary information derived from these logs may be displayed on the Web. We may analyze log files periodically to help maintain and improve our Web site and enforce our online service polices. Personal information is stored in a relational database and standard security methods are used to protect it. We require confirmation of identity before releasing information back to the user for update over the Web.

Commercial information (such as credit card numbers) is obtained using our encrypted Web server. We do not store complete credit card information on our machines.

Electronic communication

LOPSA does not rent or sell email addresses. LOPSA may use email addresses to contact members to answer member questions or to acknowledge the receipt of membership applications and other orders, to send membership renewal notices, and to send announcements and memos about LOPSA activities or programs. You may opt out of receiving periodic announcements and memos, except for: 1. Announcements of changes to this Privacy Policy; 2. Announcements of elections or referenda; 3. Announcements LOPSA is legally required to furnish the membership; 4. Announcements deemed of an extraordinary nature by specific vote of the Board.

Postal mail

LOPSA may use the postal addresses of its members to mail invoices, products, and announcements from LOPSA and from its supporting members. The names and mailing addresses of members who have not opted out may be rented to outside organizations to send mailing packages that have been carefully screened by LOPSA for their suitability. LOPSA member names and mailing addresses are never sold.


You may opt out from having your name and address made available to anyone other than the League on the LOPSA website in your user profile, or by sending mail to info@lopsa.org.


LOPSA gives members the opportunity to change information previously provided via the website, or by sending email to info@lopsa.org.


The LOPSA site contains links to other sites. LOPSA is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Web sites.

Online Membership Directory

The LOPSA Membership Directory identifies the members of LOPSA to one another, in order to promote peer networking. This Directory is accessible only to LOPSA members. Members can search the Directory for other LOPSA members by name, location, or other means.

By default, each member's name, city, state or province, and country are included in the Directory. No other information about a LOPSA member (including street address) is included in the Directory unless the member decides to add this information, making it "public" or "not public". The information included in a member's Directory listing is taken from the member's profile data, and members can "make public" as much or as little information as they wish. Members can remove personal information from the Membership Directory or add information by updating their online profiles. Some of the granular capabilities to opt-in are not yet present; opt-out is assumed in most cases.

The Directory should not be used for the unsolicited promotion of products and/or services. In order to prevent the harvesting of Directory information, searches will return a limited number of names that match the search criteria. To see any additional information that a member has chosen to include in the Directory, the searcher must select a particular member name.

Contacting LOPSA

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this Web site, you can contact the League of Professional System Administrators, PO Box 5161, Trenton, NJ 08638-0161, info@lopsa.org.

Hosted mailing lists

Policy approved by the Board via electronic mail on 22 November 2005:

Policy amended on 28 November 2005.

Purpose and scope

To advance the mission of the Association, LOPSA shall offer its members hosting services for electronic mailing lists of interest to the system administration community. Such lists are offered in order to to

  • further LOPSA's mission to serve the public;
  • advance the state of the profession of system administration;
  • increase LOPSA's visibility in the system administration community.

This policy applies only to mailing lists created under the guidelines of this policy. This policy does not apply to official LOPSA mailing lists, including Board mailing lists.

List creation

Any LOPSA member in good standing may apply for a hosted mailing list. The application shall be made available to members on the LOPSA website.


The application for a hosted mailing list shall require the applicant to supply the following characteristics of the mailing list, as described elsewhere in this policy:

  1. Requested address
  2. Moderator addresses
  3. Descriptive name
  4. Purpose
  5. Subscription policy
  6. Moderation policy
  7. Archival policy

The application shall also require the applicant to agree to the obligations and responsibilities of moderating a hosted list (the Terms of Agreement), as outlined in this policy.

Applications must be approved by one of:

  1. the President;
  2. any individual invested by the Board with the power to approve such applications; or
  3. the Board acting as a whole.

The approver may modify parts of the application to conform with LOPSA policies, naming conventions, or for other purposes. The applicant may decline to proceed with the creation of a list under a modified application, or may appeal such modification to the Board. If an application is denied, it may be appealed to the Board. In no case shall an application's modification or denial be appealed to any person or body other than the Board.


The application shall specify the address requested for the mailing list. Addresses shall be in the domain @lists.lopsa.org.

In order for the application to be approved, the address must be unique (i.e., not in use by an existing LOPSA hosted mailing list) and descriptive of the list's purpose.

Use of the characters lopsa in the left-hand-side of a mailing list's requested address must be reasonably justified in the application.

Moderator addresses

The applicant shall supply the addresses of at least two LOPSA members (including him or herself) to serve as moderators of the list. All moderators must agree to abide by the Terms of Agreement.

Descriptive name

The application shall specify a descriptive name for the hosted mailing list. This name shall briefly describe the purpose of the mailing list in a manner understandable to the casual reader.

Mailing list purpose

The application shall describe the purpose of the mailing list. The purpose should serve to justify the need for the list, explain how the list furthers LOPSA's mission, and describe to potential subscribers the likely content of the list.

Subscription policy

The application shall specify one of the following subscription policies:

The mailing list is visible in the directory, and anyone can subscribe.
The mailing list is visible in the directory to LOPSA members, and only LOPSA members can subscribe.
The mailing list is not visible in the directory, and requires moderator approval of subscriptions.

The applicant must justify requests for private lists, and specify the criteria that will be used for approving subscriptions. Applications for private lists will not be approved without reasonable justification and objective criteria. For example, a list consisting of the maintainers of a software project or the attendees of a meeting are reasonable candidates for a private list. Self-governing subscription policies, for example subscribers voting on new list invitations, may also be acceptable with reasonable justification. In no case shall the applicant exercise arbitrary control over a subscriber list.

An Open or Members-only subscription policy shall not be construed to deny the moderator the right to ban subscribers who abuse list policy.

Moderation policy

The application shall specify whether the list allows for open posting or is moderated. Requests for moderated lists must be reasonably justified.

An open-posting policy shall not be construed to deny the moderator the right to moderate posts from non-subscribers, or to moderate posts from subscribers who have abused list policy.

Archival policy

The application shall specify whether archives of list posts are requested, and whether the public or just subscribers should have access to the archives.

Archives may be expired on a schedule as necessary. List moderators shall be given prior notice of such expiry.


LOPSA is in no way responsible for the content of hosted mailing lists. It is the responsibility of the list moderator(s) to ensure that hosted lists are not used for illegitimate purposes. LOPSA reserves the right to take action if made aware of improper conduct on hosted lists.


A hosted list may be terminated under any of the following circumstances:

  • The moderators cease performing list maintenance duties;
  • The moderators are no longer LOPSA members in good standing;
  • In the determination of the Executive Director (appealable to the Board), the list is no longer serving its approved purpose; or
  • The list traffic becomes too great for LOPSA's resources.

LOPSA shall work with the subscribers of such lists to prevent termination if possible (for example, by transferring moderation to other members in good standing) or to transition lists gracefully to a more appropriate service.

Lists may also be terminated at the moderators' request. Notice shall be sent to the mailing list warning of pending list termination. If other LOPSA members volunteer to be new moderators, LOPSA may work with such volunteers to preserve the mailing list.

Mailings from LOPSA

From time to time, LOPSA may send mail about LOPSA activities to hosted mailing list subscribers. Such mail may be sent via the mailing lists, or directly to list subscribers.

LOPSA may from time to time send mail to hosted mailing list subscribers on behalf of third parties. Such mail will be sent directly to list subscribers, and subscribers will be provided with a means of opting out of such third-party mailings.


Posts to hosted mailing lists may have a LOPSA-approved footer appended of no more than four 77-character lines. This footer shall only be used to publicize LOPSA and LOPSA activities.


LOPSA or its members shall not share the subscriber list of any hosted mailing list or any addresses contained therein with any third party. The subscriber list of a hosted mailing list shall not be made available to the public without permission; at the moderator's option, the subscriber list may be made available to other subscribers or to LOPSA members.

Moderators must agree not to share the subscriber list or any addresses contained therein with any third party. For lists in which the subscriber list is visible to other subscribers, subscribers must be notified at the time of subscription (e.g., via the list's welcome message) that they must not share the subscriber list or any addresses contained therein with any third party.

Terms of Agreement

This policy shall be used as the basis for Terms of Agreement, to be provided to hosted list moderators at time of application, any time the Terms change, and on request.

Liaisons to other organizations

Policy approved by the Board on 13 March 2006.

Purpose and scope

LOPSA may from time to time engage in partnerships with other organizations lasting a significant duration of time and encompassing many activities. In such cases, the Board may designate an individual to serve as liaison from LOPSA to the partner organization.

This policy shall be applicable to any case where the Board designates, by motion, an individual, whether volunteer or staff, to serve as "liaison" or to "liaise" with another entity. This policy shall not apply when there has been no explicit Board action to designate a liaison, or when the Board uses other terminology such as "represent", "approach", or "work with".


The duties of a liaison from LOPSA to another organization include:

  • Acting as a point of contact for LOPSA. This includes answering questions and offering advice on LOPSA matters. Any formal interactions and decisions must be made by the Board, unless explicitly delegated.
  • Acting as an observer within the other organization on behalf of LOPSA. This includes being familiar with activities within the organization and relevant to LOPSA, and looking for opportunities for collaboration between LOPSA and the other organization.
  • Reporting to the Board periodically (monthly is recommended) on the status of the liaison relationship.

Project copyright

Policy approved by the Board on 12 June 2006.

This policy is a default policy to govern the creation of content by committees or projects of LOPSA, in absense of a specific arrangement or exemption established by the Board for a given project.

Ownership of copyright

Ownership of the copyright on content created by a committee or project of LOPSA shall be held by LOPSA.

Rights of attribution

LOPSA commits not to publish or otherwise disseminate any material created by a committee or project of LOPSA without giving authorship credit to all contributors. This right may be waved by project or committee members where appropriate.

Publication of material

If content created under this policy is published, LOPSA pledges to publish it openly for any person to access; no material created under this policy will be published in such a manner that only LOPSA members may access it. If the material is for sale rather than freely available, then LOPSA may offer it to members at a discount.


Content may be created and rights transferred to LOPSA under other conditions and terms by exceptions granted by the Board on a per-project or per-committee basis.


Policy approved by the Board on 11 December 2006.

Annual Fiscal Period

The annual fiscal period of the organization shall be the annual calendar year from January 1st to December 31st.

System of Accounting

The finances accounting system of the organization shall conform to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and shall be accrual-based.

Annual Budget

The Finance Committee, along with the Executive Director, shall be responsible for developing an annual budget. The annual budget must be approved by the Board. The approved budget will serve as spending authority to the organization Executive Director and staff for all line item budgeted items.

Budget Amendments

The Finance Committee will be responsible for recommending to the Board amendments to the annual budget as may be appropriate based on changing situations. Line item adjustments of 10% or less of the initial line item's amount shall not require amendment.

Non-budgeted Initiatives

Any non-budgeted organizational activity with a projected cash-flow of $10,000 or greater must be reviewed and recommended by the Finance Committee before being presented to the Board for approval. Non-budgeted initiatives of less than $10,000 may be presented to the board for approval without review by the Finance Committee. A Board member may motion for a non-budgeted initiative to be brought before the entire board, over the objection of the Finance Committee.

Finance Committee

Policy approved by the Board on 11 December 2006.


The Finance Committee is responsible for ensuring sound and proper financial management of the organization. General duties of the Finance Committee will include:

  1. Develop an appropriate financial strategy for the organization
  2. Prepare the annual financial budget
  3. Ensure that organizational initiatives are consistent with the financial strategy and budget
  4. Regularly review financial activity and ensure Board access to timely and accurate financial information
  5. Monitor the integrity of the organizations financial statements


The Finance Committee will be chaired by the Treasurer of the organization and will consist of the Chair, and at least two other Board Members (at least one of which must not be an Officer of the Board). The Committee Members should have sufficient financial background to understand common financial and accounting terms, standards, and statements.


To fulfill the Committee's purpose, it shall:

  1. Develop an appropriate financial strategy for the organization. The Committee, in conjunction with the Executive Director, shall evaluate various capital structures, plot the organization's long term financial objectives, and develop appropriate metrics and benchmarks. On a regular basis, the Committee will review the current strategy, metrics, and benchmarks, assess their impact, and make necessary adjustments to ensure the financial vitality of the organization.
  2. Prepare the annual financial budget. Annually, the Committee will meet with the Executive Director to evaluate the organization's annual objectives and prepare a comprehensive financial budget for review and approval by the Board. # Ensure that organization initiatives are consistent with the financial strategy and budget. The Committee will periodically review all organization initiatives and validate the assumptions and analyses to ensure the financial plans are reasonable and consistent with the financial strategy and budget. The Committee will make recommendations to the Board based on these reviews.
  3. Regularly review financial activity and ensure Board access to timely and accurate financial information. The Committee will receive and review on a monthly basis appropriate financial information. The Committee will advise the organization's management as to the form, frequency, and detail of the information. The Committee will report significant information to the Board to facilitate the Board's ability to make sound decisions.
  4. Monitor the integrity of the organization's financial statements. On a quarterly basis, the Committee will receive from the organization's management standard financial statements such as the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Statement of Cash Flows as well as other performance indicators and benchmarks as it may request. The Committee will review and report on the overall condition to the Board, highlighting financially significant information, and recommending appropriate actions.
  5. Other duties as may be assigned by the Board.


Policy approved by the Board on 26 February 2007.

Policy purpose

Sponsorships provide LOPSA with a means to generate positive cash flow and help to defray costs that would otherwise need to be borne by the organization's members. The purpose of this policy is to

  • define sponsorship types and sources,
  • establish acceptance criteria for sponsorships,
  • ensure the ethical evaluation and acceptance of sponsorships consistent with LOPSA mission, values, and goals.

The LOPSA board may solicit and accept sponsorships as a means to finance organization efforts. Sponsorships may come from three possible sources and may be of several types.


  • Individual - An individual sponsorship may be provided by a single person or family and is attributed to that person, family, or another person or family as designated by the provider.
  • Consultant - A consultant sponsorship is designed for an independent consultant who wants a sponsorship attributed to their business. It may also be used for small partnerships or LLCs (generally around 10 members or less).
  • Corporate - A corporate sponsorship may be provided by any legally existing business venture; sole proprietory, partnership, LLC, private or publicly traded corporation.


The board may accept any of the following types of sponsorships, although primary preference should always be given to undesignated sponsorships.

  • Undesignated - An undesignated sponsorship is a sponsorship provided with no restrictions on use; the organization is free to use the funds for any legitimate program.
  • Designated - A designated sponsorship is a sponsorship of a particular program, function, or activity. Funds from these sponsorships must be used in support of the designated program. Excess funds will default to being returned to the sponsor, unless the sponsor explicitly consents to those funds being converted to undesignated.
  • Event - An event sponsorship is a sponsorship offered at a specific dollar amount in order to have the sponsor's name associated with a specific event or part of an event. These funds are otherwise treated as undesignated and must be returned to the sponsor only in the case that the event does not take place.
  • In-Kind - In kind sponsorships or donations are donations of goods or services that the organization finds as or more useful than accepting unrestricted sponsorships.

Sponsorship acceptance

LOPSA must always, first and foremost, protect its reputation, credibility, and future viability over short term financial needs. In this regard, LOPSA may decline to accept sponsorships from individuals or organizations deemed to have incompatible values or goals.


To protect the reputations of both LOPSA and potential or rejected sponsors, LOPSA shall make no public statement regarding any sponsorships not formally accepted by Board or approved designate action.

Benefits of sponsorship

LOPSA recognizes that most individuals and organizations use sponsorships as a means to achieve some benefit. The LOPSA Development Committee shall determine a standard list of benefits and recognition that will be followed for all sponsorships. The Development Committee may, at its discretion

  • create differing levels of recognition based on sponsorship source, type, or amount
  • allow named sponsorship of a program, function, or activity provided a considerable portion of its financial cost is borne by the sponsor.

Benefits and recognition for sponsorships shall be limited to that list only. Any additional benefit or recognition will be considered a sale of LOPSA service, not a sponsorship. The appropriate committee shall determine a schedule of fees for all such activities. At no time shall LOPSA enter into any sponsorship agreement that requires it to specifically endorse a sponsor's product or service.

Sponsors wishing to promote LOPSA and their sponsorship of LOPSA may use LOPSA's name, logo and online contact information in accordance with the provisions at LOPSA Sponsor Logos and Web Buttons. Any use not covered by these provisions, or any printed use, requires prior written approval from LOPSA. Any unauthorized use of LOPSA's name or logo will void the offending party's sponsorship benefits and may be considered grounds for legal action.

Terms of sponsorship

The effective date of a sponsorship shall be the date payment is received and processed by the LOPSA office unless otherwise specifically agreed upon by LOPSA and the sponsor. All sponsorships and benefits will run for one year from the effective date of sponsorship.

Renewal of sponsorship

At its discretion, LOPSA may contact each sponsor every 30 days commencing 60 days prior to the expiration of the sponsorship period to solicit renewal. The effective date of a renewal will be the expiration date of the prior sponsorship period.

Grace period

At the recommendation of the Development Committee, a sponsorship may be granted a 30 day grace period before the sponsorship benefits and recognition are terminated.

Etiquette Policy

Policy approved by the Board on 20 August 2010.

Purpose and scope

The purpose of the LOPSA Etiquette policy is to ensure that LOPSA is a professional, non-discriminatory organization in all LOPSA associated forums such as conferences, meetings, email lists, IRC, Linked-In, Facebook, etc. These forums are not a personal or private space but a shared space where any remark or posting reflects upon the entire LOPSA community and as such reflect upon the LOPSA community as a whole. All LOPSA members are bound by our Code of Ethics, and this should be reflected in our respectful and professional conduct with one another regardless of the forum.

Etiquette Guidelines

  1. EQUALITY: Everyone can state their opinions as long as they follow the rest of this policy.
  2. KNOWLEDGE: Answer any questions to the best of your knowledge - it is best that you do not answer what you don't know to avoid confusion.
  3. RESPECT: Be respectful of everybody and assume they are speaking or posting in good faith- even if they are asking the most unimaginable questions. Either voice your opinion courteously, or voice no opinion.
  4. RESTRAINT: Think before speaking or posting an inflammatory remark. If it isn't appropriate at work and home it is not appropriate here.
  5. INCLUSIVE: Attacking people in a personal way, for example: about their race, beliefs, gender, sexual preferences, choice of technology, and any and all other personal attacks will not be tolerated.
  6. COMMON SENSE: If you are doing something that, however innocent, results in the forum going bananas, use your common sense and stop.
  7. PRIVACY: Never divulge personal or private information without consent


If a person violates the LOPSA Etiquette Policy, there will be at least one warning issued with possible more strict punitive measures depending on the medium or forum and nature of the infraction.